British Invasion

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Bob Janneck and Brian Goodman

Bob Janneck and Brian Goodman

My friend Eileen kept telling me about the Insiders. She said you’ll love these guys!

So I head over to Moose Lips on Clinton & Ridge. During the break between sets Bob & Jim come over and start talking to me. I tell them they should check out my band Cousin & And The Relatives we have a gig at Ruth & Irv’s Astralogical Fish & Steaks!

While we’re on stage I see ALL of the Insiders come in. They have a few drinks and start dancing around.

We finish our set and Jim comes over and sez do you want to join the Insiders. So now i’m going from playing once every 6 months to playing up to 4 times a week! I said yes! I was more about the 60’s garage and Brit invasion than I was the surf music.  They said great be at Dynamic recording studios on Sunday and know these 5 British Invasion songs, All of which I already knew!

We recorded the tracks and I was on my way! We played all the time and anywhere!

I remember gigs at the Warehouse, Scorgies, Teasers, Calif. Brew House, RIT, and a bunch of places that I can’t remember the names of!!!  We opened for The Divinyls at The Red Creek! That was really odd! We happened to play 2 Aussie garage covers and the drummer was hip to what we were up to! We played on TV twice!

Once was the Morning Break Show live from Marketplace Mall! Once was on the Brian Bramm late night show

We drew good crowds, We got paid well! It’s really odd to go from the $10 each guy gigs to the $50 to $100 a guy gigs!

There’s one crazy story. We had a gig in Fancher NY. The guy who booked the show already owed the band money from a show before. We loaded up the van and head to Fancher. When we get there ex-Insider drummer Dave Disperdio band was playing ( Witch King ?).  Something goes down and we end up taking all the money they had collected at the door and left! It was only $50.00 We each got $10 & we never played!

We kinda killed the band and broke up. I found The Projectiles Ad at The Record Archives and auditioned and was in! But that’s another story for another day!!!

(Cousin ) Brian Goodman

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