The rumors about the death of the Scorgies Blog are exactly that, rumors. Waay back when, I rescued the Scorgies blog from the pits of obscurity when the Bop Shop redid their website. Luckily, I had *just* backed up the site right before Tom’s webmaster sent the old site to the cornfield. Only problem was that, at the time, I didn’t own the scorgies.com domain. I did, however, own rockinrochester.com and so I ported the site over to that domain. Flash forward *many* years later and Jimmy Filingeri had launched Rockin’ Rochester Productions and I, being a loyal supporter of all things Rockin’ in Rochester, felt that rockinrochester.com should belong to his dealio…
That said, reuniting the Scorgies Blog with the scorgies.com domain was not easy. I’ve got over a 100 articles to sift through, fixing broken links and updating context in some. We’ve lost a few soldiers along the way, and some of us are worst for wear but hey, we are all rock’n’roll survivors.
So keep on keepin’ on, folks. If you need to take a break from social media, peruse the pages. Should you have any artifacts to share, pass them on to our crack team of editors and help us continue to tell the story of the Rochester Music Scene!

All of the content in the Scorgies Blog is user-submitted. If you aren’t seeing what you want to see, that means that someone hasn’t shared it with us.

In the meantime, here’s video of the late “Sunny” Boy Willis (AKA Syd the Kid, real name Sydney Willis Anderson Jr.), Scorgie’s non-Samoan Indigenous American bouncer and musician, seen here opening for Personal Effects:


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