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Jukebox Heroism

Gary Numan - Cars b/w Metal

Gary Numan - "Cars" b/w "Metal"

There have been several posts to date referencing the Jukebox at Scorgies; today’s post is all about the singles. From the collection of Danny Deutsch, I have scanned the actual 45 rpm singles (with sleeves, if present). This is in no way meant to represent a comprehensive, all-inclusive selection of every 45 on the jukebox. However, the mix is interesting: three classic Rolling Stones singles and two each by Eddie and the Hotrods, David Bowie, Roxy Music, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers and Ian Dury. A few lost-in-the-shuffle artists like Genya Ravan, Willie Nile and Ian Gomm make up the rest of the mix. I’ve posted both sides of the Eddie and the HotRods picture sleeve for “Life on the Line” single because I’m certain the “B” side “Do Anything You Wanna Do” got more play. Plus, it was the last song Rock and Roll Joel aired on WRUR.

What’s missing? I seem to remember ABBA being on the Jukebox; after Danny left (ABBA being a favorite of Don’s). Anyone else care to chime in on the missing songs?

Danny deserves thanks and praise for preserving these slabs of vinyl. Take a gander at the Jukebox gallery after the jump; you might want to download a photo or two to add to your iTunes when you create your own special “Scorgies” Mix.

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