Articles by FredArmstrong

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Around the last year Scorgies was open I joined the “Beers of the World” club.  I believe if you drank 100 different beers from around the world in 100 days or less, you got a case of different beers from breweries around the planet. You also got your name on a plaque which was put up with all the other people who became members and drank the 100 beers. I remember being very bummed when someone pried my name plaque off the board. I never found out why it was taken or whoever took it. Now’s your chance to come clean!

I also remember one of my birthdays on New Year’s Eve (not sure what year) when the Chesterfield Kings were playing in the basement.  Lead singer Greg Prevost somehow ended up on my shoulders and while carrying him all over the place he was pulling down the ceiling tiles (Scorgie loved this.) It was one of the most fun Birthdays I ever had.  It was a great bar and I miss it.

Fred Armstrong

Editor’s note, check out this GREAT article on the Chesterfield Kings (circa mid-nineties).