What about…

yeah yeah yeah New Math Personal Effects Cliches Presstones yada yada yada. What about Rick Baker & the Commercials? We wanted to hate them because they weren’t us. The second or third wave of Scorgies, youngsters! But we loved them. We even paid to see them. Rick Baker — where R U now??

  1. Jason L. Brown’s avatar

    Rick Baker is still around and making records, although he kind of lays low . . .

    I think he’s got a newer CD too.

    Del Rivers is the go-to guy for info on him. I know Simon’s been in touch with him too. A bunch of us Press Tones people used to go catch Rick Baker & the Commercials at Mori’s in Panorama Plaza. My memories are as ever hazy, but I do recall that we went there on purpose just to see them, so there you go.


  2. Jason L. Brown’s avatar

    OK, I’m dense. It just hit me.

    Send me an e-mail, all right? jlbrown1969 at earthlink dot net.


  3. Stan the Man’s avatar

    Greg Hassett (of Koo-Koo Boy and the Pants fame plus a fellow Badenov) is related to Rick through marriage. I’ve asked him and asked him to get Rick involved…
    I dug Rick’s band, especially when the inevitable girlfriend melodrama would spill onto the stage! Those boys wore their hearts on their sleeves! Danny booked them in a few places opening for 10,000 Maniacs. I distinctly remember the playing at the Calabash.


  4. Stan the Man’s avatar

    How about Down With People? The Shower Scene? Health and Beauty? M-Squad? Jay Formicola? What about about the Tearjerkers from Syracuse with front man Tom Kenney? I remember after their last gig at Scorgies, Tom moved to Boston and became a comedian. Nowadays everyone knows him as the voice of Spongebob Squarepants!


  5. Jlaben’s avatar

    Rick Baker & The Commercials first gigs at Scorgies were opening for, you guessed it, The Cliches. They also opened for us at a house party in buddy of mines’ backyard in Penfield in 1982.


  6. Simon Ribas’s avatar

    Rick Baker and the Commercials were a great band. I did trade e-mails with him about a year ago, but forgot to get the disc (sorry Rick). I think their guitar player runs Music Lovers in Brighton. They were definitely a fun band.


  7. Stan the Man’s avatar

    Hey, we need more articles from thegirlontheleft! Write me @ badenovs at gmail dot com, sil vous plait! If anyone’s band needs to be recognized we either need source material or writers! Step up!


  8. Mitchell Levine’s avatar

    Can you really have a Scorgies site w/o mentioning Circus Rock?


  9. Simon Ribas’s avatar

    too late now, he already mentioned it.


  10. Stan the Man’s avatar

    We can thank Hardcore Jon for the “Circus Rock” tag.


  11. Stan the Man’s avatar

    I forgot the quotes… let’s try it again… “thank” Hardcore Jon. I believe Jon gave Colorblind James Experience when he was a DJ at WITR. The band actually got Freetime Magazine to add a category to their listings for “Circus Rock.” Phil Marshall brought it up during the taping of the WXXI “On Stage” Colorblind James Experience Tribute Show.


  12. Shadorick’s avatar

    Hello everyone! Yes, it’s your old pal Rick Baker. I’m still here and still can’t keep my head fastened on straight where the girls are concerned! The Commercials are all off doing what they do and these days I just play with myself. Still writing and recording. I’m delighted and amazed that any of your remember me. Truth is, I more or less forgot myself until someone asked me if I’d ever heard of myself, which, of course, I hadn’t.


  13. girlontheleft’s avatar

    We remember you because you had that little je ne sais quoi…called “talent.” Didn’t you ever wonder why all those strangers followed you to Mori’s in Penfield?


  14. Stan the Man’s avatar

    Good to hear from you Rick!


  15. shadorick’s avatar

    That’s very kind! So strange to realize how long ago that was. The good news, and probably the most important thing really, is that I still have all my hair. Of course, it’s a different colour every week….


  16. Mark James Meli’s avatar

    Those were fun gigs, although I’d never want to go through them again. It’s a wonder I wasn’t as fat as I am now back then.



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