Long live the memory of Zenon Pavlovych

Zenon Pavlovych aka "King Farouk"

Zenon Pavlovych aka "King Farouk"

Long overdue! I asked Victor Tabinski who should write about Zenon, he referred me to Andy Tratch of the Urban Squirrels. Thanks, Victor!

Don’t know what to say about Zenon – how can one describe the man…

I knew him as a kid [we met being in Ukrainian Boy Scouts together back in ’68] but had drifted apart by high school until I ran into him –  waiting in line to get into the Devo show [1st tour] at the Triangle Theater.

We caught upon things, compared musical tastes & next thing ya know we got our first apartment together on Wisconsin & Main St in the City…

The rest is history: we spent many years together rockin’ & rollin’, abusing ourselves, listening to great music, going to great shows, hanging out at great bars [Scorgie’s included] with great friends, working with the Chesterfield Kings all over the country, being ski bums in Vermont, and just enjoying life at it’s best…

Zenon was my brother that I never had, could be the biggest asshole in the world, was always was willing to let you buy him a drink, would steal your drugs when you weren’t looking, and could be hell to live with/be around…but would give you the shirt off his back & loved you to death…

I can [barely] remember helping each other many a time up/down the spiral staircase by the bathrooms at Scorgie’s…We used to ride to all the bars to catch shows on my Kawasaki KZ400 [with Zenon wearing his brain-bucket helmet & clutching his beer]…I can even remember when Zenon had a stint DJing on Monday nights at the Penny Arcade [go figure]…

But most of all I remember Zenon’s “Lust for Life” [yes, just like the Iggy song]  and the fact that music was such a huge part of his life: I still have his albums & listen to them [even though they’re way scratched because we were always out of sorts when we played them back then]…

We lost Zenon on the 4th of July weekend over 20 years ago –  fittingly he had gone down to NYC to visit friends & to see The Butthole Surfers: he never came back…

What a waste…what an asshole..what a Zenon move…

Long live the memory of Zenon Pavlovych: The Great High and Mighty Most Exalted Grand Mystical King Farouk!

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  1. Andy Tratch’s avatar

    This is a pic of Zenon that I took backstage at the auditorium of St. John Fisher College during one of their “Teddy Project” 24hr Dance Marathons. I was being Stage Manager [years of practice with the Chesterfield Kings] and Zenon came by to drink my beer…In the pic he’s actually working the stage lighting board [dressed to kill in his favorite Cramps shirt]…I believe this particular year The Fugitives may have played at some point as well as possibly The Cliches [them being a St. John Fisher band anyway]…


  2. Jacquie Palmiere’s avatar

    Zenon was one of my Best Friends! He watched over me and was always there for me, I only wish I could of been there for him when he most needed it. I have never stopped thinking of him – touched many souls!


  3. Steve newcomb’s avatar

    I was just thinking of Zenon (“Trotsky”) since all of the Scorgies Reunion stuff has been swirling.

    I met Zenon at MCC in ’81, and we were both among the social misfits at the extended drive-thru high school….Scorgies, Jim’s and the notorious afterhour parties were our comfortable haunts.

    Zenon called me “Cowboy” due to my denim jacket and (then) skinny frame.

    We would often spar about politics, music and other various sundries….as we worshipped Jim Carrol’s The Basketball Diaries.

    He is not forgotten.


  4. Stefanie Pharmakis’s avatar

    Zenon was the most unique and amazing young man there ever was! He could come up with lines that were quicker than any Sam Spade guy ever.
    He could be funny, poignant, fiercely loyal, proud, genius and forceful all at the same time. He loved the underdogs-I think that’s why he loved all of us so much.
    He always gave money to the street people-that amazed me.
    What can you say about someone who has left you too soon?
    We salute Zenon and will always remember…….


  5. Ashley Black’s avatar

    I miss my beloved friend Zenon and now the beautiful Stefanie every day.


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