Scorgie's: One of a kind

Ahh- when Rochester supported local music.  The yuppies had yet to neuter the scene with political-correctness.  The government hadn’t excluded 18 – 20 year olds from alcohol consumption.  Scorgie’s sponsored a vibrant melange of hip local (New Math, Chesterfield Kings, Personal Effects, Cappy and the Frenchman) and national acts, Scorgie’s club anchored the “new wave.”  I recall the moths that basked in the glow emanating up the stairs to Andrews Street.  The epicenter for Monroe County Bohemian chic; every night was Le Bal Masqué, and Mardi Gras was perennial.

One night as the Pesonal Effects played, their guitar player lost footing and landed among the opening act’s drum hardware-off stage.  He was mid-solo and never missed a note.

On another occasion (Note: Don had no tolerance for the Pogo as it began its evolution to mosh pit) Don was personally evicting an over-zealous patron.  The patron turned on Don and the two were locked up beneath an up-ended table.  I offered a hand, and Don rewarded me with carte-blanche at the bar.

It was in the upstairs dressing room that I discovered the Ramones secret energy booster: Jolt Cola hopped up with additional sugar.

What a great era!  Thanks Don.


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