We Welcome Your Cards and Letters

Folks, we’re getting into the busy season here at Scorgies Reunion Central. As the deadline for the November 21st  reunion at the German House approaches, our highly unpaid all-volunteer staff has been burning the candle at both ends sifting out the wheat from the chaff.  Expect to see more “over the transom” memorabilia sorted out and posted over the next few weeks.

Having said that,  here are some items to examine:

Scorgies Drink Chips - Simon

Scorgies Drink Chips - Simon

I guess Simon drank four less beers the night he was given these chips! Not sure if he’ll try to use these at the German House.

Gretchen and friend at PFX Record Release Party

Gretchen and friend at PFX Record Release Party

Reader Gretchen W. Cohen sent us this picture as PROOF that she was at the “It’s Different Out There” record release party… There was a photo booth at the event and I’m certain a bunch of pictures were taken that night. As soon as more pictures come in I’ll add them; it should be quite a rogues gallery!

Rock and Roll Joel with Sue

Rock and Roll Joel with Claire Bader

A nice photo of famed WRUR D. J. Rock and Roll Joel in his usual garb with Claire Bader at his side (thanks to Duane & Robert for the ID). Claire Bader worked with Gary Trainer at St. Johns (see comments for more information). I’ve heard from Joel, and he has also tracked down fellow WRUR D.J. Frank Spencer. Frank reports that he will be attending the reunion as well. if you haven’t already done so, join the Scorgies Reunion 2008 group on Linkedin.com. Clicking on the link will bring you to the sign up page.

Steve Dollar & friend

Steve Dollar & friend

I’ve had this photo for a while with no article to affix it to.  At first, I though I’d add it to photos of Dave Stearns and Marshall Fine to create a “rogues gallery” of Rochester music critics but, alas, i couldn’t dig any up. Apres TU, Steve has written for the Atlanta Journal Constitution and of late for the late New York Sun.

Multimedia Artist Russ Lunn and Jim Denault

Multimedia Artist Russ Lunn with Jim Denault

Russ Lunn is a multimedia artist and videographer who worked with Personal Effects, Absolute Grey and Invisible Party. He video taped several bands at Scorgies and worked with Steve Black on a music video for Personal Effects. Russ debuted his agit-prop video installation War/Music/Dance at Scorgies. Jim Denault left Rochester and is a highly acclaimed cinematographer whose work includes the films Boys Don’t Cry , Maria Full of Grace and was nominated for his work on HBO’s Carnivale.

Johnny Thunders at Scorgies - Photo by J. Laben

Johnny Thunders at Scorgies - Photo by J. Laben

So much has been written about Johnny Thunders (see Geoff’s and J. Laben’s posts for additional details).  Great image, and I’l sure it will stir up powerful memories for those who still have working grey matter.

Mark (Newj) Theobald and Sarah Todd

Mark (Newj) Theobald and Sarah Todd

Mark worked at TPI with Paul Klee (and Jim Havalack, albeit briefly). He would later go off on his own, and was the defacto house sound man for Scorgies. Always an exacting craftsman, he had an impressively low-octane approach to getting the job done. I’ve never worked with a sound man who got a better house sound than Mark (though I never, to my recollection, worked with Pee-Wee). In this picture, from the J. Laben collection, it looks like Mark is running the fog machine while Sarah Todd (who is now married to Mark McDermott) is running the momentary lights while attired in some sort of ball gown.

I’ll be back in a bit to post some more. Note: if you want to see your stuff up on line, register at the link and POST! Can’t wait to see it!

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  1. ds’s avatar

    Wow, I’d forgotten that the little light board used to be positioned on that little shelf on the pillar in the middle of the room, back by the bar. Sound used to be mixed there too.

    Great to see shots of Mark Nuge & Sarah. They were both always great to work with.

    Paul Klee’s TPI was good to work with too, tho that was at the Arcade mostly. I always remember him testing the mics for feedback at sound check… “Teeee-ewwwww…teeee-ewwww…teee-ewww”.

    We blew out the electricity on 6 sq blocks of Charlotte at the end of a New Math show up there at the Arcade once, when Paul tapped into the power from the light pole to get us enough electricity for the lights we brought in. But I guess thats a story for the ’50th anniversary of the Arcade’ blog – whenever that happens.

    One correction – that’s Claire standing with Joel, not Sue.


  2. Robert S’s avatar

    DS is correct in his photo ID – Claire Bader worked with Gary Trainer and Sue Metro at Saint John’s home. Claire did the sound mix/roadie work for The Targets live gigs.


  3. Jim Denault’s avatar

    Stan, How cool that this blog exists. Many good times when Russ and I lived around the corner in that loft on St. Paul. And, thanks to you I found the Absolute Gray mayspace page, which I am listening to now.

    One small correction: I never worked on “Deadwood.” The Emmy nomination was for “Carnivale.”


  4. Stan the Man’s avatar

    Robert & Jim; corrections made, thanks!


  5. Michael Baldwin’s avatar

    Wow, Steve looks kinda drunk. Shocking.


  6. Peggi’s avatar

    The shot of Gretchen in the photo booth was actually from Personal Effects’ record release party at the Warehouse (now Waterstreet) for their album “It’s Different Out There.” Check out the couple in the foreground of the cover of the LP. http://scorgies.com/blog/?p=1261


  7. Stan the Man’s avatar

    Thanks Peggi… I blame faulty wiring! I have a couple photos of Lynne and I from that nite as well


  8. Gretchen’s avatar

    That’s right Peggi…it was Water Street. I think Robert Meyerowitz was along for the ride that night too (though not my companion in the photo!). I’ve tried to pass along this website to him in Alaska…Jay & I are looking forward to seeing you all next Friday.


  9. Peggi’s avatar

    Me too Gretchen. Too bad Robert couldn’t fly in from Alaska. Robert, are you out there reading this?


  10. Robert’s avatar

    Now I am!


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