Willie 'Loco' Alexander & the Confessions

One of My Favorite Shows – Willie ‘Loco’ Alexander & the Confessions, February 1982

It was chilly February of 1982 when Willie Loco & the Confessions heated up the Scorgies basement. A full house of fans who knew many of his songs, thanks in part to the repeated airplay of his catalog by Roger McCall & Kevin Patrick on the late nite ‘CMF show – Import Export.

Loco & his Boom Boom Band had played the area once before, opening for Elvis Costello in Brockport a few years earlier. Yet audience appreciation for him was so high that he received a standing ovation as he entered the club & made his way thru to the back stairs up to the dressing room.

The Confessions featured Loco’s former bandmate from his early days in The Lost, Walter Powers. It was good raucous show, loud but poorly lit (don’t blame me, I was shooting the video).

The youtube clip posted here is from the beginning of the show, the tail end of “Bebop a Lula” into “Home Is” With its great lyric “home is where the heart is, home is where the soft is”.

This messy tape should remind everyone why its so much better to record in todays digital age.


Willie Loco Alexander and Peggi Fournier from Personal Effects - Photo by Paul Dodd

Willie Loco Alexander and Peggi Fournier from Personal Effects - Photo by Paul Dodd

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  1. Stan the Man’s avatar

    That was a great show; I hung out with Kevin Patrick and Willie before the gig. Willie received considerable airplay on WRUR as well. We were all big fan of Willie’s at the Station, and I used to pick up his early LP’s from the cutout bin at Record Theater and add them to the library (and of course Mark Marianetti would take them to sell to Lakeshore Records).


  2. Chris Nahil’s avatar

    Wasn’t this the gig where you (Stan) presented Willie with some sort of “Rock and Roll Hero” trophy that he kept on the piano for the duration of the show? So that’s where all our records kept diappearing to. And to think Spencer and I used to blame Matt Kaplan!


  3. Stan The Man’s avatar

    After “losing” some records I started to stamp my collection with this nasty indelible ink I found at Scrantoms. This proved to be invaluable later; especially after I visited Lakeshore Record Exchange in Charlotte and found some of my records for sale there. I found out that Mark Marianetti had sold them. When I asked Mark about it later he just shrugged his shoulders. I guess it was a “Thing” thing.

    Lessons learned: a) never count on any cool records to *remain* in the station’s library* b) never leave any records behind at the station and c) keep an eye on Mark!

    * Mark was by no means the only DJ pilfering records from WRUR…


  4. k258’s avatar

    Thanks for the memory-jogging visuals. I must have loved this show, because I ran out and bought every Willie Alexander album I could find.


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