
Last evening was a blast! I am so glad that I went. I was on the fence because I am not real proud of the way I have aged. If I hadn’t gone I would have seen pictures and been very upset. The bands did an awesome job. If I didn’t get tired so early I would have thought I was 19 again.  Thank you to everyone who made it all happen. When I figure out how to post pictures or who to send them to I will. I was great to see all the familiar faces!

Patti (Street) Steeb

  1. Simon Ribas’s avatar

    Thanks for the pictures, Peter just sent them along. Great to see you and talk to you too (although I am still trying to remember the zoo trip).


  2. Robert S’s avatar

    The reunion was a testament to the spirit of the time – glad you made it and hopefully you will remember that what the bands brought to New Wave/Punk in that day was not about look or age, but rather the spirit of DYI music – that anyone can grab a guitar and play or just be themselves going wild to fantastic original music with friends.


  3. Stan the Man’s avatar

    Do Yourself It…. I like the ring of that!


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