Another Scorgies Reunion Memory…

as soon as i walked in to get in line i saw three people i recognized. the keith richards guy, the johhny ramone guy and some other guy i never knew the name of. they seemed to recognize me. the air was buzzing with a feeling like finding an old favorite shirt and having it still fit. it was awesome! I walked in and saw people i hadn’t seen in over fifteen years. a few i was nervous about but as soon as our eyes met it vanished.

we laughed and looked at photos of each others kids. some people had thier kids there. my daughter would sooner have slit her own throat than be a part of our pathetic past.  i got tears in my eyes several times looking around at the sheer joy of everybody there. the bands were awesome. that new math singer was easy on the eyes of this “older woman”.  when laben came out to sing riverview we instinctivley lined up to do the dance. i haven’t danced that much in a long time. i stayed out real late-past midnight! Abilene was cool but got too crowded for me. i got sober 11 years ago so i don’t really go to shows or bars much. the thought of a drink didn’t even occur to me as i basked in the stage light. my feet moved on their own. i was dancing for joy.

  1. DJ Thurmie Thurm’s avatar

    As much as I would love to…I respectfully refuse to comment…

    maybe next time at the Idol’s Reunion


  2. Jon’s avatar

    Idol’s Reunion…………………? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    That sounds like a great Idea!


  3. Bob’s avatar

    I remember the Idols awards ceremonies for the local bands. A drunken love fest… At least, I think I remember….


  4. Bob’s avatar

    Whoa! What about a Bug Jar reunion? Can you have a reunion when there’s still a union?


  5. DJ Thurmie Thurm’s avatar

    You can’t hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn’t we blame the whole fraternity system? And if the whole fraternity system is guilty, then isn’t this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? I put it to you, Greg – isn’t this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do whatever you want to us, but we’re not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America. Gentlemen!


  6. Jlaben’s avatar

    I thought you were Pre-Med?


  7. DJ Thurmie Thurm’s avatar

    That’s easy for you to say! What am I going to tell Fred?


  8. Michael Baldwin’s avatar

    I remember being the MC of the Idol awards and giving about a dozen “Idols” to Bob Martin!!


  9. Jlaben’s avatar

    I remember this one time…in band camp…


  10. Mike Weidner’s avatar

    Forget idol’s… I think JLaben should organize a reunion for Tara’s (or any of the myriad of bars that existed where Abiline is now).


  11. DJ Thurmie Thurm’s avatar

    God Bless Us Everyone!


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